I am constantly amazed by the beauty and order of nature. My curiosity and sense of wonder has been fueled by a degree in environmental biology and extensive travel on assignment. I see our world as a giant collage made up of unlimited small elements. My work ranges from large-scale panoramic landscapes to detailed macro views. Sometimes looking at the "whole scene" and other times studying the geometry and colors found in the details.
Ever evolving, my photographic career has journeyed from the world of corporate clients and international picture agencies to creating murals and artwork from my personal image collection.
From being published on the covers of Time Magazine, Business Week and annual report covers for McDonalds and URS, to more recently having photo murals and wall art installed in hospitals, embassies, corporate boardrooms and private residences across the country.
Through my photography I hope to encourage others to explore "our world", enjoy it and preserve it. And to be more diligent in making balanced choices concerning our natural environment and historical landmarks. The Earth is very precious. We must constantly educate ourselves on better and more productive ways to utilize the earth's limited resources while still preserving its wilderness and natural beauty. My hope is that future generations will also be able to find places to see and experience the Creator's handiwork.
David Lawrence
David Lawrence is a member of the following professional organizations.
American Society of Media Photographers
North American Nature Photographers Association
Professional Association of Visual Artists
I am often asked “what was the favorite place that you have ever visited?” My answer is Tanzania, Africa. To experience being out on the vast “endless plains” of the Serengeti (5,700 sq miles) and seeing thousands of wild animals running free is simply breathtaking!
A musical slide show of my African Safari in Tanzania, Africa. Warning: it will make you want to visit Africa soon!